Dobermann-Zwinger von der Wartburgstadt
von Kerstin & Maik Gerth seit 2008



Ch. Paradiz Ronado Kosmos

Ophaya v. Residenzschloss






Ch. Massimo Ekoeby di Matario



Diamont von Bátorkeszy Baileys




Ch. Chester von der Töpferstadt



Belinda von der Wartburgstadt

Breeding dogs, we aim at getting healthy and well natured Dobermans. This said, we first of all have family dogs in mind who are fully able to cope with day-to-day life.
The puppies grow up with our family and even before they meet their new owners, they have already made acquaintance with their first day-to-day situations. The closeness to our family is a very important aspect to us in breeding dogs as they can best develop this way.
We oppose pure kennel breeding and we will not let our puppies to live exclusively in kennels.
However, we do not only focus on the dogs’ socialization. Their health is also of major concern to us. Naturally, we only breed with absolutely healthy animals. The second important element is their food. Our puppies are raised according to the b.a.r.F. method in order to give them the best possible start in life. b.a.r.F. stands for biological raw food that is characteristic of the species. When feeding the dogs according to the b.a.r.F method, the natural nutrition of the Canides is modeled – meaning we feed to them raw meet, bones, vegetables, and fruits. This kind of food is much better digestible for the animals than conventional ready-to-serve dog food. Refusing artificial ready-to-serve dog food, we do not feed synthetic vitamins, preservatives, artificial flavors, and coloring matters to our dogs that may cause physical strain and possibly causing cancer. Considering inoculations and deworming, we also follow the line “As much as needed – as little as possible” in order to place no unnecessary burden on the dogs.
Thus, it is only natural to us to care for our dogs after the puppies changed owners and to help the new owner with experience and advice at any time. We would therefore be very pleased to be allowed to take part in the development of the puppies in their new home. The responsibility fort he dogs does not end for us with handing over the puppies to their new owners – but we would like to stay in touch as long as they live!

Grow here on our puppies, for our new puppy room with outdoor garden.